Friday, December 11, 2015

Winter Wonderland 2015 - Mr. Galvez & Ms. Brier's classes - Recorder for "Huron Carol"

Three Minute Recorder - Huron Carol/Recorder Break from Richard Lawton on Vimeo.

Recorder players from Mr. Galvez's and Ms. Brier's class take note -- this video tutorial should help you master the recorder break for "Huron Carol." We have a rehearsal on Monday so I hope you will need to get busy. I'd like everybody to be able to play part 2.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Winter Wonderland 2015 - Ms. Gary, Ms. Sae-Tang & Ms. Toppino's classes - "Mambo Santa Mambo"

Here's our other song, "Mambo, Santa, Mambo," as performed by singing group "the Bobs."

Winter Wonderland 2015 - Ms. Gary, Ms. Sae-Tang & Ms. Toppino's classes - "North Winds Blow"

Hello first graders. Here's the vocal part of our version of "North Winds Blow." We can practice the body percussion part in class. For now just focus on singing and memorizing the words to the song.

Winter Wonderland 2015 - Ms. Hamilton, Ms. McLeod & Ms. Zarakowski's classes - "Edelweiss"

Here's our other song, "Edelweiss" from the the musical "The Sound of Music." No tricks here. Just concentrate on singing it was sweetly as possible.

Winter Wonderland 2015 - Ms. Hamilton, Ms. McLeod & Ms. Zarakowski's classes - "S'vivon"

Hello second graders. Here in a recorded version of our first song, "S'vivon." Remember that you will need to have the Hebrew verse memorized -- something that is much easier to do if you can spot the patterns. Can you find them?

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Winter Wonderland 2015 - Ms. Weiss and Ms. Salazar's Classes - "Good King Wenceslas"

Three Minute Recorder - "Good King Wenceslas" from Richard Lawton on Vimeo.

Greetings Third Grade Home School -- one last minute addition to the holiday show program. This a fun song and and pretty easy one. The show is in a week so you are going to have to get busy!

Friday, November 20, 2015

Winter Wonderland 2015 - Ms. Epstein and Ms.Lamoreaux's Class - "African Noel"

Three Minute Recorder - African Noel from Richard Lawton on Vimeo.

Hey third grade magnet. Here's a video that talks about how to create an improv for "African Noel." Remember -- you all need to know how to play the response. As for the improvised call, I will be looking for 8 to 10 brave musicians who wish to "give their testimony."

Winter Wonderland 2015 - Ms. Epstein and Ms.Lamoreaux's Class - "Holly and the Ivy"

Three Minute Recorder - Holly and the Ivy from Richard Lawton on Vimeo.

Hey Third Grade Magnet. Here's the recorder part for the song we learned this week. You want to at least be able to play the drone, but I will also need about a dozen people to play the melody -- so get busy!

Winter Wonderland 2015 - Ms. Weiss and Ms. Salazar's Class - "Jingle Bells"

Three Minute Recorder - Jingle Bells from Richard Lawton on Vimeo.

Hi Third Grade Home School. Most of you can already play "Jingle Bells," but I thought I would throw this up there any way. So get busy.

Winter Wonderland 2015 - Ms. Weiss and Ms. Salazar's Class - "Ahri Rang"

Hello 3rd Grade Home School -- this famous folk tune from Korea, "Ahri-Rang," is not a holiday song exactly, but we have played it in the past as a way of celebrating the culture of many of our classmates here Wonderland. How many of you will play recorder on this song? That depends on how many of you learn it over the break. It is beautiful and challenging, and I plan to do something quite special with it for the show.

Three Minute Recorder - Ahri Rang from Richard Lawton on Vimeo.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Winter Wonderland 2015 - Mr. Austin, Mr. Ellis and Ms. Ryan's classes - "Happy Christmas/War is Over" Part 3

Wonderland Avenue Music - "Happy Christmas/War is Over" (in F) - Part 3 from Richard Lawton on Vimeo.

Here is the final of the three videos. This part of the song uses 5 chords, but if you notice only one of them -- Eb6 -- is completely new to you.

Now you can play the whole song. Remember to keep the strumming patterns simple. And once you start to get comfortable, trying singing and playing.

Winter Wonderland 2015 - Mr. Austin, Mr. Ellis and Ms. Ryan's classes - "Happy Christmas/War is Over" Part 2

Wonderland Avenue Music - "Happy Christmas/War is Over" (in F) - Part 2 from Richard Lawton on Vimeo.

In the second of the three videos we are introduced to two new chords, Bb6 and Cm, and repeat the F. That's great thing about music. Once a chord or a technique is part of your vocabulary you can use it in other places.

Winter Wonderland 2015 - Mr. Austin, Mr. Ellis and Ms. Ryan's classes - "Happy Christmas/War is Over" Part 1

Wonderland Avenue Music - "Happy Christmas/War Is Over" (in F) - Part 1 from Richard Lawton on Vimeo.

Here is the first of three videos teaching the chords for Happy Christmas/War is Over. It uses the three chords we have been focusing on in class.

Winter Wonderland 2015 - Mr. Austin, Mr. Ellis and Ms. Ryan's classes - tuning your uke

Hi Fourth Graders -- Our other holiday song is John Lennon's "Happy Christmas/War is Over." I have broken the song into three parts for ukuleles to practice. Of course none of them will be useful if your uke is not in tune, so I have posted this first video to show you how to deal with that. There is also a uke tuner link embedded on this page. Look in the upper left hand corner and click the words "Uke Tuner."

Wonderland Avenue Music - Ukulele Tuning from Richard Lawton on Vimeo.

Winter Wonderland 2015 - Mr. Austin, Mr. Ellis and Ms. Ryan's classes - "Pat-a-pan"

Greetings 4th Graders -- here is the first of two songs we will be doing for our holiday show, Winter Wonderland next month. The English verses should give you very little trouble, and as for the French, just give it a listen once or twice every day and you will be amazed how quickly you pick it up. Sorry I don't have a professional recording for you. The fact is, there is no version with cool drumming counterpoint -- except the one one that we do. :)

Winter Wonderland 2015 - Mr. Galvez and Ms. Brier's class - "Turn, Turn, Turn"

And here is our other song, "Turn, Turn, Turn." We will be performing it in the same key as it is performed in this version by the 60's Laurel Canyon band, the Byrds, so just sing along.

Did I mention in class that the words to this song are over 5000 years old?

Winter Wonderland 2015 - Mr. Galvez and Ms. Brier's class - "Huron Carol"

And here is the song in its entirety. Sorry I don't have a professional recording on this one. The fact is no elementary school kids are even attempting this song -- except you guys. So rock on, Wonderland!

Winter Wonderland 2015 - Mr. Galvez and Ms. Brier's class - pronunciation for "Huron Carol"

Greetings Students of Mr. Galvez's and Ms. Brier's class -- this the pronunciation track for Huron Carol, one of the most beautiful and challenging pieces we will be doing this year. Learning the Wendat verse is an exercise in concentration that will take patience and a little work every day. Listen to recording a few times and practice the words in Wendat and French.

Winter Wonderland 2015 - Mr. Earl and Mr. Oasay's class - "Hitotsu Toya"

And here is the Japanese verse song at performance speed, so you can sing along. I did not include the English verses, but you are also responsible for memorizing those.


Winter Wonderland 2015 - Mr. Earl and Mr. Oasay's class - Pronunciation for "Hitotsu Toya"

Hello again 5th graders. Here is another pronunciation track for you -- this one in Japanese. It is a challenging language for non-native speakers, but, as always, the best way to to look for the patterns. It is actually just a few words.

Winter Wonderland 2015 - Mr. Earl and Mr. Oasay's class - "T'zena, T'zena, T'zena"

Here is "T'zena, T'zena, T'zena" in Hebrew and English. We will be doing the English verse as a three part canon, so concentrate on singing very precisely

Winter Wonderland 2015 - Mr. Earl and Mr. Oasay's class - Pronunciation for "T'zena, T'zena, T'zena"

Hello Fifth Grade Magnet -- We are beginning the practice material on the blog with what will likely be the last song of our Winter Wonderland show. Listen to this practice track and practice the pronunciation of the Hebrew verse to the song (we will not be doing the Arabic version). Remember, you will need to have it memorized by show time -- just under one month from now.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Three Minute Recorder Lesson 3 - E

Three Minute Recorder - Lesson 3 from Richard Lawton on Vimeo.

Hello third graders and recorder lovers. Here is review of what we talked about in class regarding the note "E" - which you have use your right hand to play - and how to use it in improvisation.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Three Minute Recorder - Lesson 2/B-A-G

Three Minute Recorder - Lesson 2 from Richard Lawton on Vimeo.

Three Minute Recorder lesson 2 focuses on the three notes we began learn in class last week -- B, A and G. Remember, even more important than the note names is using the right amount of air. It takes very little to make the recorder play properly.

Three minute recorder - Lesson 1 -- the basics

Three Minute Recorder - Lesson 1 from Richard Lawton on Vimeo.

Good morning third graders. I am sorry that I was slow in getting this video up, but at long last here is the first installment of three minute recorder. Remember, I am asking everybody to practice for 6 minutes a day which is the same thing as watching the video twice (actually less than that, for as you can see, I talk A LOT.) Anyway, I hope you will find these useful.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Coyote String Band -- Jambalaya

Greetings Coyotes -- here is the original recording of Hank Williams doing "Jambalaya" The video has subtitles to help you learn the words to the song. I am also posting the chords below.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

World Music Ensemble

New this year is the World Music Ensemble. The World Music Ensemble, formerly the Orff Percussion Ensemble, will give students the chance to apply the barred instrument and recorder skills they will be learning in general music class. We will also be including singing, body percussion and movement as we do in class, but with the goal of putting together a finished performance. And if we use ukuleles, this is where they will go. If you like to drum or just hang out in a musical groove, this ensemble is a good match for you.

Coyote String Band

Coyote String Band is a way for students to explore the "Music of the Canyon" - the folk and bluegrass songs that are part of the Laurel Canyon communities heritage and, therefore, part of the Wonderland students home culture. Coyote String Band includes guitar, banjo, mandolin, fiddle and upright bass (no drums) and existing skills a preferred but no required. Due to the limited number of spots in this ensemble, it is open to 4th and 5th grade only.


Although we sing in as part of nearly every lesson in all grade levels, being part of the chorus is way for kids to apply their singing skills and refine their singing technique. Like the other ensembles the chorus will perform two concerts at Wonderland, but we have also taken part in outside events and hope to do more of that this year.

Ensembles for 2015-2016 Start Next Week.

This year we have made some changes to our ensemble program which I am quite excited about. There will be three general music ensembles that 3rd, 4th and 5th graders can sign up for. A sign up letter was sent home this Friday and rehearsals start next week. Students will have some time to decide whether ensemble is right for them (remember that parents and teachers must also agree) but not too much time -- our first performance is likely to be at the end of October

I will post a bit more about each of the ensembles above.

The 2015-2016 School Year Begins!

The 2015-2016 year in music at Wonderland is underway. Two weeks in and we have set our schedule and all the students have had music at least once. It went by so quickly I hardly had time to post a cyber hello.

For those of you who are new to the Wonderland School, this blog is where I will post pictures from class, videos and instruction materials. It is a good place to drop by when you are surfing the net so I hope you will!

It's going to be a great in music!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Class of 2015 - "Teach Your Children"

"Teach Your Children" featuring the Coyote String Band from Richard Lawton on Vimeo.

And here's the closing number, a Laurel Canyon classic by CSN. Farewell Class of 2015. You showed me at culmination and again today at the talent show, what a phenomenal musicians you are. You are phenomenal people as well. It has been an honor being your teacher.

Class of 2015 - "Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)

Good Riddance (The Tme of Your Life) from Richard Lawton on Vimeo.

No video from culmination itself, but I did snag a couple of good clips from dress rehearsal, including this version of the Green Day song we opened our show with. Fantastic job, Class of 2015!

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Wonderland Ensembles - Final Ensemble Performance of "For What It's Worth"

Wonderland Ensemble - "For What It's Worth" from Richard Lawton on Vimeo.

Hello Ensemble Musicians and Friends of Ensemble musicians -- I am so sorry I didn't around to sharing the video from our ensemble performance two weeks ago. Graduation practice has been consuming a lot of my blog time and focus. But let me say again what a fantastic job you all did. "Best show ever" was a comment I heard a lot in the days that followed. You should feel very proud. So enjoy the video, the weekend and coming up in 4 short days -- summer!

Sunday, May 24, 2015

2015 Culmination - "(Good Riddance) Time of Your Life" for Ukes

Here's a video tutorial for our first graduation song "(Good Riddance) Time of Your Life." I've broken the song down in two parts. Once again here is that online tuning link

2015 Wonderland Culmination - "(Good Riddance) Time of Your Life" for Ukes - Part I from Richard Lawton on Vimeo.

To play part one you will need to learn the chords G5, C2 and D.

2015 Wonderland Culmination - "(Good Riddance) Time of Your Life" for Ukes - Part II from Richard Lawton on Vimeo.

And here's part 2 -- you'll need the Em, D6, G and D again.

Culmination 2015 - Ukulele Tuning

Wonderland Avenue Music - Ukulele Tuning from Richard Lawton on Vimeo.

Hello ukulele players. The video above should help you get your instrument ready for tuning. You must always tune up a little before playing, and in the case of your new Waterman Ukes you will need to tune up a lot. The strings on new Uke's always take a little time to get stretched out. Here's a link to the online tuner mentioned in the view.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Coyote String Band - Banjo rolls for "For What It's Worth" REPOST

Coyote String Band - For What It's Worth, Banjo Rolls from Richard Lawton on Vimeo.

Greetings Banjo players. I noticed in the last practice that you guys had gotten away from the roll in "For What It's Worth," so here it is again. A little practice everyday between now and the concert should do the trick! Here are the tabs again as well.

Coyote String Band - Old Joe Clarke for Guitar, Mandolin and Violin

Coyote String Band - Old Joe Clarke Lead Line from Richard Lawton on Vimeo.

Hi Coyote String Band Members -- fantastic job at the Renaissance Faire yesterday. We have just one more show on Thursday, and to that end I am posting the long promised video for "Old Joe Clarke" with the lead lines for Guitar, Mandolin and Violin or Fiddle. Hopefully it will help you perfect the leads for Thursday's show. Even with just a few days left, a little practice will make a huge difference. Here are the tabs again as well.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Culmination - "Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)"

Our last song here will be the first one we perform. A very simple song, which we will likely jazz up with an instrumental arrangement. In the meantime really concentrate on learning the words.

Culmination - "Teach Your Children"

We will be ending with "Teach Your Children", one of the best known Laurel Canyon songs. Like many Crosby, Still and Nash songs it contains very sweet harmonies that we will be working on a lot over the next few weeks. Sounds like a simple song, but actually it requires real focus.

Culmination - "Say Good Bye to Hollywood"

This song, slowed down and missing the bridge will be sung as a partner song with "Nothing More." Try playing the video from one song and singing the other words.

Culmination - "Nothing More"

Hello Fifth Graders -- as discussed I am posting video clips and/or lyrics for all four of our culmination songs. Remember that this song "Nothing More" by Alternate Routes and the second song, "Say Goodbye to Hollywood" by Billy Joel will be sung as partner songs. The combine lyrics are posted above.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Third Grade & Recorder Ensemble - "Ungaresca"

Three Minute Recorder - Ungaresca from Richard Lawton on Vimeo.

Hello Third Graders and Recorder Ensemble Members -- as you all know by now, we are performing as part of the Renaissance Faire on May 15. We've been working on the choreography in class and now here is a video to help you learn the recorder part.

Recorder Ensemble - "Helas Madam"

Three Minute Recorder - Helas Madam from Richard Lawton on Vimeo.

Our third song which we will definitely perform at the Renaissance Faire is "Helas Madame," a Renaissance piece by Henry VIII of England. Here you want to focus on the rhythm in particular. Those eighth note runs must be played very precisely for a group performance to sound good.

Recorder Ensemble - "Pretty Saro"

Three Minute Recorder - Pretty Saro from Richard Lawton on Vimeo.

Continuing on with song #2, "Pretty Saro" is not only a song we will play in combination with the chorus, but is also likely to be one of the songs we will perform at the Ren Faire. Because it has that high E in it, it will take bit of work -- so get to it! :)

Recorder Ensemble - "Welsh Folk Tune"

Three Minute Recorder - Welsh Folk Tune from Richard Lawton on Vimeo.

Hello Recorder Ensemble Members -- here is the first of four practice videos to help you get ready for our performances in May. Most of you have been doing pretty well with this one, "Welsh Folk Tune," but it is still worth playing though. The goal here is to not just play, but play beautifully.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Chorus - "I Won't Give Up"

Good morning Coyote Singers -- as long promised I will begin posting some of our concert material so you can practice on your own. Please note that we will be bumping this song down to D (Mraz is singing it here in E) which should make those high notes a bit easier. I am also posting the lyrics, even though they are embedded in the video, in case you want to print them out.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Third Grade - "Ungaresca"

"Ungaresca" - Wonderland version from Richard Lawton on Vimeo.

Dear Third Graders -- here is some video we shot at the Renaissance Faire three years ago. That year like this year we performed Ungaresca as a recorder piece, a song and a dance. Check out the video and see if it gives you any ideas for how we will perform our version. I think we can improve on what is here.

I'm also posting the sheet music again, though most of you should already have it. As you can see I have only posted the portion that is in duple (4/4) time. In the middle section the meter switches to triple -- a common practice in the middle ages. Right now we are only focused on the duple section, but if you listen to the video closely, you'll see that the pitch pattern does not change, only the rhythm. So if you can play the duple you can play the triple.

We'll get back to this after the break. Have a wonderful time and do try to practice a little.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Coyote String Band - "Move It On Over"

Hello again Coyotes -- I decided to go ahead and throw a recording of Hank Williams doing "Move It On Over" on the blog so that you could play along. Guitarists -- pay particular attention to the improvisational solos or "breaks" between verses. The song in the key of E so you can use the La Pentatonic on E Chart posted earlier to construct a little solo of your own.

Incidentally, as I mentioned in class, "Move It On Over" is an exact template for "Rock Around the Clock" by Bill Haley and the Comets, which came out about 8 years later and is often called the first rock song. Does that mean old Hank had a hand in inventing rock and roll?

Coyote String Band - Blues Shuffling and Picking in E

Coyote String Band - 12 Bar E Shuffle from Richard Lawton on Vimeo.

Coyote String Band - La Pentatonic on E for Guitar from Richard Lawton on Vimeo.

Hi Coyotes -- here are two short videos, courtesy of Mr. Bonk, that illustrate how to make the blues shuffle in E on the guitar and introduce you to the La pentatonic on E scale you can use to develop solos. We've added Bb to that scale to give it more of blues feeling. Remember, you can develop a very effective blues solo on just few notes, provided that you also give your solo a sense of swing.

Similar scales for the other instruments will follow soon. In the meantime, guitarists -- get jammin'!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Ensembles -- "For What It's Worth"

Hi Ensemble Members -- here's some classic video of The Buffalo Springfield, featuring Stephen Stills (and Neil Young) performing "For What It's Worth." Our arrangement is a little different, but we will be leaving room for some la pentatonic improvs on Orff instruments, recorders and, of course, guitar, so feel free to experiment. Also every body work on the words.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Coyote String Band - Banjo Rolls - "For What It's Worth"

Coyote String Band - For What It's Worth, Banjo Rolls from Richard Lawton on Vimeo.

Hello Coyotes. Hard to believe I got all the way through January without a post. However, that is about the change as I will be putting up instructional material for the next Ensemble Show in may. The first is the long promised Banjo Roll Tutorial for "For What It's Worth." Banjos, my recommendation is that you find a little time everyday to practice your rolls. In no time you will be pickin' and grinnin' like a master.