Monday, October 12, 2015

Three Minute Recorder Lesson 3 - E

Three Minute Recorder - Lesson 3 from Richard Lawton on Vimeo.

Hello third graders and recorder lovers. Here is review of what we talked about in class regarding the note "E" - which you have use your right hand to play - and how to use it in improvisation.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Three Minute Recorder - Lesson 2/B-A-G

Three Minute Recorder - Lesson 2 from Richard Lawton on Vimeo.

Three Minute Recorder lesson 2 focuses on the three notes we began learn in class last week -- B, A and G. Remember, even more important than the note names is using the right amount of air. It takes very little to make the recorder play properly.

Three minute recorder - Lesson 1 -- the basics

Three Minute Recorder - Lesson 1 from Richard Lawton on Vimeo.

Good morning third graders. I am sorry that I was slow in getting this video up, but at long last here is the first installment of three minute recorder. Remember, I am asking everybody to practice for 6 minutes a day which is the same thing as watching the video twice (actually less than that, for as you can see, I talk A LOT.) Anyway, I hope you will find these useful.