I never cease to be amazed by the power of "Son Macaron," a beat passing game from Yugoslavia. Whether it is the nonsense words or the thrill of competition, 2nd graders just really seem to love it, so we always do it early in the year. Like many beat passing "hot potato" type games, the goal is not to be caught when the song stops, but in "Son Macaron" the vanquished can at least console themselves by joining the band.
In Third Grade the big excitement was handing out the recorders, although we barely had time to play them. There should be a good deal more playing next week. Parents, please note that students are required to bring their recorders every Monday from now on, whether they are in the ensemble or not, and that I will be posting video here (see Lessons 1 and 2 below) to help them practice. Also, especially in these early days when enthusiasm is high, but skill level a bit lower, please accept my apologies. ;). We'll have them playing sweet sounds before you know it.
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