Saturday, September 25, 2010

Hey, You, What!

Thursday music was an interesting mix with all of fifth grade, all of first and Ms. Lopez's fourth graders getting their first music class of the year. First grade learned a chant and body percussion piece "Sing With a Ying," with text by Dr. Suess. This piece allow the kids focus on how things like dynamics (soft and loud) tempo (fast/slow) and timbre (quality of sound) can be manipulated for different effects.

Fifth Graders (pictured) also learned a body percussion piece "Hey, You, What" by Keith Terry, a percussionist and body music specialist from the Bay Area. Keith has developed a great system for breaking down complex rhythmic ideas into manageable chunks. The process of understanding music this way, is a little bit like the decoding the kids have been using since first grade to pronounce and understand new words.

1 comment:

  1. Where can I find music or a recording for Hey You What?
