Saturday, August 24, 2013

A few more pictures from Week 1

The rest of week 1 went very well.  These early-in-the year lessons are often where I will use my most tried and true material to get things off a good start.

Throughout the year, I try to incorporate other subject areas like science and math, not only to support my colleagues. but also because encouraging kids to make connection across the curriculum is a component of the Common Core.  In the pictures above, kindergartners are using "sound catchers" to amplify their hearing experience (something I explain they can also achieve by focusing), and first graders create waves so that they can study the way waves act.

In second grade we spend a lot of time learning about the concepts of rhythm and beat.  Using manipulatives such as chopsticks on paper (rhythm on top of beat) and then incorporating movement helps make these abstract concepts concrete.

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